Disproof Atheism Society
The Disproof Atheism Society
The Disproof Atheism Society 




Disproof atheism is disbelief in the existence of God based on a comprehensive critique of proofs of God’s existence and a growing web of empirical and conceptual disproofs of God’s existence. This growing web of disproofs:

  1. addresses a variety of concepts of God held by major religions and leading theologians, 
  2. demonstrates that each of these concepts of God not only contradicts empirical facts and scientific theories but is self-contradictory, and
  3. provides an ever more formidable cumulative case against the existence of God. 


The Disproof Atheism Society, founded in 1994:

      — is an independent, Boston-based, worldwide network of people who support the development of disproof atheism

           through the use of science, logic, and analytic philosophy. 

      — holds monthly talks, discussions, and other events (with a safe zone  policy), usually at Boston University and often   

          with a featured speaker. 

      — hosted in 2010 the first-ever Disproof Atheism Conference, an all-day  academic conference focused on conceptual

          disproofs of God.

     — provides resources and references on disproof atheism. 


For additional information, please contact  info@disproofatheism.org.


"The more we consider the theological God, 

the more impossible and contradictory will he appear.”

         — Paul Thiry d’Holbach, The System of Nature, vol. 2 (1770)