Disproof Atheism Society
The Disproof Atheism Society
The Disproof Atheism Society 



"Disproofs of God from Divine Simplicity"


P. Weigel, “Divine Simplicity – Difficulties” (2019)


W. L. Craig, “Simplicity,” in “The Coherence of Theism, Part 2” (2017) 

  www.bethinking.org/god/the-coherence-of-theism/part-2  [halfway down]

M. Baddorf, “An Argument from Divine Beauty against Divine Simplicity” (2017)




PAST EVENTS (and recommended readings)


Feb reading: R.D. Bradley, "God Design & Evolution: A Teleological Arg for Atheism"

Jan reading: Luis Oliveira, "God & Gratuitous Evil: Between Rock & Hard Place"



Dec reading: J.R. Quiñones, "A New Argument against Perfect Being Theism"

Nov reading: Michael Martin, "A Disproof of the God of the Common Man"

Oct reading: M. Martin, "Divine Attributes & Incoherence" (Ch. 12 Atheism: A Phil Justif)

Sep reading: D. McElhoes, "Intoxicating Effects of Conciliatory Omniscience"

Aug reading: Louise Antony, "Good Minus God"

Jul reading: F. Leon, "The Problem of Creation Ex Nihilo: A New Argument"

Jun reading: Richard Schoenig, Where Christianity Errs (Part III)

May reading: Daniel C. Dennett, "Atheism and Evolution"

Apr reading: A. Rizzieri, "How to Make the Problem of Divine Hiddenness Worse"

Mar reading: David Kyle Johnson, "Refuting Skeptical Theism"

Feb reading: Nicholas Everitt, "Problems with Omnipotence"

Jan reading: Norman Kretzmann, "Omniscience and Immutability"



Dec reading: V. Stenger, God: The Failed Hypothesis (Ch. 2 "The Illusion of Design")

Nov reading: Gina M. Sully, "Omnibenevolence and Eternal Damnation"

Oct reading: Q. Smith, "Causation & the Logical Impossibility of a Divine Cause"

Sep reading: D. Blumenfeld, "On the Compossibility of the Divine Attributes"

Aug reading: Matt McCormick, "Why God Cannot Think"

Jul  reading: J. Gregory Keller, "On Perfect Goodness"

Jun reading: D. P. Lackey, "Divine Omniscience and Human Privacy"

May reading: Sarah Adams & Jon Robson, "Analysing Aseity"

Apr reading: Patrick Grim, "Impossibility Arguments"

Mar reading: Luis Oliveira, "Sceptical Theism and the Paradox of Evil"

Feb reading: James Rachels, "God and Moral Autonomy"

Jan reading: Nicholas Everitt, "The Divine Attributes"



Dec reading: Christine Overall, "Miracles, Evidence, Evil, and God"

Nov reading: Klaas Kraay, "The Problem of No Best World"

Oct reading:  Michael Martin, "Theism and Incoherence"

Sep reading: Richard Kortum, "The Very Idea of Design: What God Couldn't Do"

Aug reading: Rob Lovering, "Does God Know What It's Like Not to Know?"

Jul  reading:  Richard Schoenig, "The Logical Status of Prayer"

Jun reading: G. Fulmer, "A Fatal Logical Flaw in Anthropic Principle Design Arguments"

May reading: Abby Hafer,"No Data Required: Why Intelligent Design Is Not Science"

Apr reading: D.K.Johnson, "Failure of Plantinga's Solution to Logical Prob of Natural Evil"

Mar reading: Theodore M. Drange, "The Argument from Nonbelief"

Feb reading: E. R. Kraemer, "Darwin's Doubts and the Problems of Animal Pain"

Jan reading: V. Stenger, God: The Failed Hypothesis (Ch. 4 "Cosmic Evidence")



Dec reading: S. Maitzen, "The Moral Skepticism Objection to Skeptical Theism"

Nov reading: Dan Barker, Godless (especially Ch. 7 "Omni- Aqueous")

Oct  reading:  Sarah Adams, "A New Paradox of Omnipotence"

Sep reading:  Patrick Grim, "Problems with Omniscience"

Aug reading:  J. L. Mackie, "The Problem of Evil"

Jul  reading:  William L. Rowe, "Can God Be Free?"

Jun reading:  Colin Howson, Objecting to God (esp. Ch. 8)

May reading: Christine Overall, "Miracles as Evidence Against the Existence of God"

Apr  reading: Joel Thomas Tierno, Epistemic Evil

Mar  reading: Nicholas Everitt, "The Argument from Imperfection"

Feb  reading: Michael Martin, Atheism: A Philosophical Justification (Ch. 12)

Jan  reading: Stephen Hawking, "Is There a God?"



Dec  reading: Paul Thiry D'Holbach, The System of Nature, vol. 2

Nov  reading: Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World

Oct   reading: Nicholas Everitt, The Non-Existence of God (Chs. 12-15)

Sep  reading: Jordan Howard Sobel, Logic and Theism (Chs. 9-10)

Aug  reading: J. L. Mackie, The Miracle of Theism

May  reading: Louise Antony, "Atheism, Naturalism, and Morality"

Feb  Darwin's Apostles

         Abby Hafer, Prof. of Anatomy and Physiology (Curry College, MA)  



Dec  Atheist Humor

Nov  Disproving Skeptical Theism's God beyond Human Understanding

Oct   Implications of Quantum Mechanics for Theology

         Larry Ford, Prof. of Physics (Tufts University, MA)

Sep  Conceptual Disproofs of an Omnibenevolent (Morally Perfect) God

Aug  A Critique of Madalyn Murray O'Hair's Atheism

Jun  A Critique of Turing's Reply to the Theological Objection

         Sohan Dsouza, President of the Secular Society of MIT

May  Refuting the Lewis/Reppert Argument from Reason

         David Kyle Johnson, Prof. of Philosophy (King's College, PA)

Apr   Disproofs of an Omnipotent God

Mar  Bertrand Russell's My Philosophical Development

         David Blitz, Prof. of Philosophy (Central Connecticut State University)

Feb  Darwin's Arguments against God from Natural Nonbelief



Dec  A Critique of Feser's Five Proofs of the Existence of God (B)

Nov  A Critique of Feser's Five Proofs of the Existence of God (A)

Oct  The Truth about Atheism: Demanding Reasons in Religion Is Not Arbitrary

         Gilbert Fulmer, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Texas State U., San Marcos)

Sep  God and the Kantian Formula of Humanity: A Case for Atheism?

         John Lemos, Prof. of Philosophy (Coe College, Iowa)

Aug  Ideas for Disproving Tillich's "the God above God"

Jun  The Religious Implications of Artificial Intelligence

         Sohan Dsouza, President of the Secular Society of MIT

May  The Eternal Boredom Disproof of an Omnitemporal God

Apr   Hawking's Argument against a Creator God

         Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor The Improbability of God & The Impossibility of God

Mar  Can Buddhism, Jainism, and Confucianism Be Disproved?

Feb  Darwin's Arguments against God from Design

Jan   Irrational Animals & the Desire for Belief: Russell's Critique of Religions

         Rosalind Carey, Prof. of Philosophy (Lehman College, CUNY)



Dec  The Improbability of Santa and the Impossibility of God

Nov   A Critique of Koperski's The Physics of Theism

          Larry Ford, Prof. of Physics (Tufts University, MA)

Oct    Can God Know that God Is God?

Sep   How Science Empirically Disproves God

Aug   Why Religious Experience Can't Justify Religious Belief

          David Kyle Johnson, Prof. of Philosophy (King's College, PA)

Jun   Disproofs of a Maximal God

May   Infinite Utility: A Mathematical Disproof of Pascal's Wager

Apr    A Critique of the Leibnizian Cosmological Argument for God

          Sohan Dsouza, Editor of The Reason Review (Secular Society of MIT)

Mar   Disproofs of an Atemporal and/or Omnitemporal God

Feb   Everything You Know about Sex Is Wrong: God & the Gender Binary

          Abby Hafer, Prof. of Anatomy and Physiology (Curry College, MA)

Jan   The Danger of Claiming that Rights Come from God

          David Niose, Legal Director of the American Humanist Association 


Dec   Disproofs of God from the Free Will Defense

Nov   A Critique of Nonevidential Reasons for Theism
          Rob Lovering, Prof. of Philosophy (College of Staten Island, CUNY)
Oct    Divine Satisficing and Arguments for Atheism
          Klaas Kraay, Prof. of Philosophy (Ryerson University, Toronto)
Sep   The Case against God from the Meaning of Life
Aug   Star Trek Pseudoscience Exposed & Omni Beings Disproved
Jul     Disproofs of a God Beyond Human Understanding

          Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor The Improbability of God & The Impossibility of God
Jun    Noncognitivism and Disproof Atheism
          Theodore M. Drange, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (West Virginia U.)
May   Robert Ingersoll on God as "a demonstrated impossibility"
Apr    Experiential Disproofs of an Omniscient God
Mar   Atheism as a By-Product of Human Cognitive Evolution
          Catherine Caldwell-Harris, Prof. of Psychology (Boston University)
Feb   Darwin's Doubts about God
Jan   The Impossibility of a Benevolent God Prior to Creation

Dec   A Critique of Aczel's Why Science Does Not Disprove God
          Larry Ford, Prof. of Physics (Tufts University, MA)
Nov   Children: The First Victims of Religion
Oct    A Moral Argument against having Faith that God Exists
          Rob Lovering, Prof. of Philosophy (College of Staten Island, CUNY)
Sep   A Critique of the Benedictine Order: Why I Entered & Why I Left
Aug   An Extended Disproof of a God Who Created Nature
          Gilbert Fulmer, Prof. of Philosophy (Texas State U., San Marcos)
Jul    Disproof of God from Evolution and the Doctrine of Souls
Jun   A DAS Tribute to Michael Martin (1932-2015)
May  The Impossibility of Necessary Omnipotence
         Carl Brownson, Adjunct Prof. of Philosophy (Lehman College, CUNY)
Apr   A Critique of the Kalam Cosmological Argument for God
Mar  The Variety of Disproofs of a Creator God
         Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor
The Improbability of God & The Impossibility of God
Feb   Film: "The Genius of Charles Darwin: God Strikes Back"
Jan   The Impossibility of Moral Perfection (& how it disproves God) 

Dec   A Disproof of God from the Bible's Sanctioning of Slavery
Nov   A Critique of William Lane Craig's "Five Arguments for God" (B) 
Oct    Why I Am No Longer a Jew
Sep   Disproving God: Natural Evil and the Simulation Hypothesis
          David Kyle Johnson, Prof. of Philosophy (King's College, PA)
Aug   A Critique of William Lane Craig's "Five Arguments for God" (A)
Jul     Why I Am No Longer a Mormon
Ideas for Disproving God from the Parent-Child Analogy
           Miracles as Divine Evil 
            Speaker: Christine Overall, Prof. of Philosophy (Queens U., Ontario)
            Responder: Larry Ford, Prof. of Physics (Tufts University, MA)
           A Disproof of a God Who Disproves Naturalism
            Speaker: Gilbert Fulmer, Prof. of Philosophy (Texas State U., San Marcos)
            Responder: Abby Hafer, Prof. of Anatomy & Physiology (Curry College, MA)
            Responder: Tyler Wunder, Prof. of Philosophy (Wilfrid Laurier U., Ontario)
          The Argument from Unfairness Extended and Defended
            Speaker: Richard Schoenig, Prof. of Philosophy (San Antonio College)
            Responder: Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor of The Impossibility of God
          The Logical Impossibility of Divine Omniscience
            Speaker: Rob Lovering, Prof. of Philosophy (College of Staten Island, CUNY)
            Responder: David Blitz, Prof. of Philosophy (Central Connecticut State U.)
Apr   The Agency Disproof of an Omni God
Mar   Privacy Disproofs of an Omniscient and Omnibenevolent God
Feb  The Incompatibility of Evolution and Supernatural Causation
         Guillermo Paz-y-Miño-C, Prof. of Biology (U. of Massachusetts, Dartmouth)
Jan   Mark Twain on God as "a confusion of contradictions"

Dec   A Disproof of God from the Undefinability of Truth
          Colin Howson, Prof. of Philosophy (University of Toronto)
Nov  The Fear Disproof of an Omniscient and Omnipotent God
Oct   More Contradictions in the Mormon Concept of God
Sep   Arguments against God from Quantum Mechanics and Cosmology
          Larry Ford, Prof. of Physics (Tufts University, MA)
Aug   J. L. Mackie on the Paradox of Omnipotence
Jul     Disproofs of God from the Doctrine of Free Will
Jun   How the Principle of Sufficient Reason Supports Atheism
          Paul Saka, Prof. of Philosophy (University of Texas, Pan Am)
May  Contradictions in the Mormon Concept of God
Apr   The Moral Autonomy and Epistemic Distance Disproofs of God
Mar  Darwin's Argument against God from Animal Pain
         Eric Kraemer, Prof. of Philosophy (University of Wisconsin, La Crosse)
Feb  Animals that Shouldn't Exist, According to Intelligent Design
         Abby Hafer, Prof. of Anatomy and Physiology (Curry College, MA)
Jan   Disproving God from the Logical Simplicity of Actions
         Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor
The Improbability of God & The Impossibility of God

Dec   Arguments against Christ and God from Insufficient Evidence
          Matt McCormick, Prof. of Philosophy (California State U., Sacramento)
Nov   H. L. Mencken on God and Religion
Oct    A Disproof of a God Who Created Nature
          Gilbert Fulmer, Prof. of Philosophy (Texas State University, San Marcos)
Sep  Thoughts on the Cantorian Disproof of an Omniscient God
          Lev B. Levitin, Distinguished Prof. of Engineering Science (Boston U.)
Aug   A Critique of Robert J. Spitzer's New Proofs for the Existence of God
Jul     A Critique of Alvin Plantinga's Where the Conflict Really Lies
          Tyler Wunder, Prof. of Philosophy (Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario)
Jun   Disproofaphobia and the Justification of Disproof Atheism
May   Propositional Disproofs of an Omniscient God
          Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor
The Improbability of God & The Impossibility of God
Apr    A Meta-Argument against God from the Arguments for God
          Rob Lovering, Prof. of Philosophy (College of Staten Island, CUNY)
Mar   Abraham, Job, and Jesus: The Bible’s Attack on Reason
Feb   A Critique of Alvin Plantinga’s ‘Darwin’s Doubt’ Argument
         Tyler Wunder, Prof. of Philosophy (Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario)
Jan   A Disproof of God from the Turing Test

Dec   A Disproof of God from the Existence of Contingent Things
          Nicholas Everitt, Sen. Lecturer in Philosophy (U.of East Anglia, England)
Nov  The Incompatibility of Science and Religion
          Victor Stenger, Prof. Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy (U. of Hawaii)
Oct   Original Sin: Can’t Live with It, Can’t Live Without It
          Richard Schoenig, Prof. of Philosophy (San Antonio College)
Sep   Arguments against God from Thermodynamics
          Larry Ford, Prof. of Physics (Tufts University, MA)
Aug   Disproofs of a God Who Answers Prayers
Jul    Existentialist Perspectives on Atheism
Jun   The Incoherence of Omnipotence and Omnibenevolence
         Joel Thomas Tierno, Prof. of Philosophy (College of Southern Nevada)
May  Spatio-Temporal Disproofs of God
          Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University)
Apr   Objectivist Perspectives on Atheism
Mar   Disproofs of God from Divine Simplicity
Feb   Biology & Intelligent Design: They Speak Different Languages
          Abby Hafer, Prof. of Anatomy and Physiology (Curry College, MA)
Jan   Skeptical Theism Leads to Moral Paralysis
          Scott Sehon, Prof. of Philosophy (Bowdoin College, ME)

Dec   Atheism and the Principle of Sufficient Reason
Nov   Evil and the Ontological Disproof of God
          Carl Brownson, Adjunct Prof. of Philosophy (Lehman College, CUNY)
Oct    Disproofs of an Omnipotent God
Sep   Arguments against God from Moral and Epistemic Evil
          Joel Thomas Tierno, Prof. of Philosophy (College of Southern Nevada)
Aug   Who Says You Can’t Disprove God?
Jul    Film: “A Rough History of Disbelief: Hume and D’Holbach”
          Did the Universe Have a Beginning?
            Speaker: Victor Stenger, Prof. Emeritus of Physics & Astronomy (U.ofHawaii)
            Responder: Larry Ford, Prof. of Physics (Tufts University, MA)
          An Argument from God’s Alleged Responses to Prayer
            Speaker: Christine Overall, Prof. of Philosophy (Queen’s University, Ontario)
            Responder: Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor of The Impossibility of God
          The Incoherence of an Omniscient Agent
            Speaker: Tomis Kapitan, Prof. of Philosophy (Northern Illinois University)
            Responder: Lev B. Levitin, Distinguished Prof. of Engineering Sci. (Boston U.)
           From Morality to Atheism
            Speaker: Stephen Maitzen, Prof. of Philosophy (Acadia U., Nova Scotia)
            Responder: Rob Lovering, Prof.of Philosophy (College of Staten Island, CUNY)
May   Disproofs of a God Beyond Human Understanding
Apr    Bertrand Russell’s Arguments against the Existence of God
          David Blitz, Prof. of Philosophy (Central Connecticut State University)
Mar   Disproofs of a Finite God
Feb   A Critique of Thomas Paine’s Deism in Age of Reason
Jan   Atheist Implications of Multiple Realities in Modern Physics
          Larry Ford, Prof. of Physics (Tufts University, MA)

Dec   Theories of Religion: Strengthening the Case against God
Nov   UnIntelligent Design
          Abby Hafer, Prof. of Anatomy and Physiology (Curry College, MA)
Oct    Divine Hiddenness and Belief de re
          Ben Cordry, Prof. of Philosophy (Lorain County Community College,OH)
Sep   A Disproof of God from Fitch’s Paradox of Knowability
          Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor
The Improbability of God & The Impossibility of God
Aug    A Critique of Geoffrey Berg’s The Six Ways of Atheism
Jul     Disproofs of a Maximal Consistent God
Jun    Arguments from Mind-Brain Dependence & Unanswered Disproofs
           Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University)
May   Brecht’s Critique of Religion in The Life of Galileo
Apr    Experiential Disproofs of an Omniscient God
Mar   Atheism Then and Now
          John Coleman, Prof. Emeritus of Classics & Archaeology (Cornell U., NY)
Feb   Film: “Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial”
Jan   Atheism as Perfect Piety
          Louise Antony, Prof. of Philosophy (U. of Massachusetts, Amherst)

Dec   The Incoherence of Confucian Heaven and Jain Omniscience
          Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor
The Improbability of God & The Impossibility of God
Nov   A Disproof of the Biblical God from Objective Moral Truths
Oct    Disproofs of God from Three Sets of Actualizable Worlds
           Klaas Kraay, Prof. of Philosophy (Ryerson University, Toronto)
Sep   Disproving God from the Intrinsic Imperfection of Creation
Aug   Film: “The Man Who Sued God”
Jul     A Critique of Graham Oppy’s Review of Atheism
          Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University)
Jun    A Disproof of God from the Impossibility of Moral Perfection
May   How Miracles Disprove the Existence of God
          Matt McCormick, Prof. of Philosophy (California State U., Sacramento)
Apr    David and Solomon: An Archaeological Argument for Atheism
Mar   Why I Am No Longer a Christian
          Dan Barker, Co-President of the Freedom from Religion Foundation
Feb   Disproofs of God from Biochemical Complexity
Jan   Theodore Drange’s Arguments from Confusion & Biblical Defects

Dec   The Origin & Eternal Inflation of the Universe: Atheist Implications
          Larry Ford, Prof. of Physics (Tufts University, MA)
Nov   A Critique of David Reuden Stone’s Atheism is False
Oct    Is God Possible? Disproof Atheism vs Agnosticism and Theism
          Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University)
Sep   An Argument for the Nonexistence of the Anselmian God
          Stephen Maitzen, Prof. of Philosophy (Acadia University, Nova Scotia)
Aug   Disproofs of God from the Garden of Eden Story
          Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor
The Improbability of God & The Impossibility of God
Jul     Disproofs in Victor Stenger’s God: The Failed Hypothesis
Jun    Man or Myth? More Problems in the Historicity of Jesus
May   An Argument from the Involuntariness of Belief and Nonbelief
          Tim Melbinger, Prof. of Music Theory & Composition (Boston University)
Apr    Disproof Atheism vs Buddhist, Jewish, and Christian Atheism
Mar   Ethics without God
          Lev B. Levitin, Distinguished Prof. of Engineering Science (Boston U.)
Feb   A Conceptual Disproof of a God Who Answers Prayers
Jan    Divine Hiddenness and the Demographics of Theism
          Stephen Maitzen, Prof. of Philosophy (Acadia University, Nova Scotia)

Dec   Disproofs of an Omniscient God (with Replies to Objections)
Nov   Religion, Prayer, and Health: A Look at the Evidence
          Seth Asser, MD, former Prof. of Pediatrics (U. of California, San Diego)
Oct    Disproof of a God Who Existed Alone Prior to Creation
          Richard Kortum, Prof. of Philosophy (East Tennessee State University)
Sep   Man or Myth? Problems in the Historicity of Jesus
Aug   Disproof Atheism vs Harris’s Atheism and Buddha’s Wisdom
Jul     Films:“The Bible: Fact or Fiction?”&“The God Who Wasn’t There”
Jun   Disproofs of God from an Unknowable Greater Good
          Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor
The Improbability of God & The Impossibility of God
May   Robert Ingersoll on Some Mistakes of Moses
Apr    A Critique of Reformed Epistemology
          Tyler Wunder, Instructor of Philosophy (Wilfrid Laurier U., Ontario)
Mar   The Global Symmetries Argument against God’s Existence
          Larry Ford, Prof. of Physics (Tufts University, MA)
Feb   The Resurrection as Initially Improbable
          Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University)
Jan    An Unchanging God Cannot Provide Change
          Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Prof. of Philosophy (Dartmouth College, NH)

Dec   Why Miracles Are Incompatible with God’s Existence
          Christine Overall, Prof. of Philosophy (Queen’s University, Ontario)
Nov  The Impossibility of God in d’Holbach’s Good Sense
Oct    Ideas for Disproving God from an Unknowable Greater Good
Sep   The Failed Hypothesis: How Science Proves God Does Not Exist
          Victor Stenger, Prof. Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy (U. of Hawaii)
Aug   CD: Julia Sweeney on Bible Nuttiness and Inconsistencies
Jul     A Disproof of God from the Doctrine of Epistemic Distance
          Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor of The Impossibility of God
Jun   The Illogic of Anthropic Principle Design Arguments
          Gilbert Fulmer, Prof. of Philosophy (Texas State University, San Marcos)
May   Child Fatalities from Religion-motivated Medical Neglect
          Seth Asser, MD, former Prof. of Pediatrics (U. of California, San Diego)
Apr   The Argument from Scale against the Existence of God
Mar   Pascal Boyer’s Religion Explained and Atheistic Arguments
          Tim Melbinger, PhD, Lecturer in Music Theory (U. of Mass., Dartmouth)
Feb   A Disproof of a God Who Freely Created the World
Jan   Brecht’s Critique of the Gods in The Good Person of Setzuan

Dec   A Critique of Nielsen’s Review of The Impossibility of God
Nov   A Privacy Disproof of an Omniscient and Omnibenevolent God
          Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor of The Impossibility of God
Oct   The Exodus: An Archaeological Argument for Atheism
Sep   More Problems with Heaven
          Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University)
Aug   The Useless Knowledge Disproof of God
          Tim Melbinger, PhD, Lecturer in Music Theory (U. of Mass., Dartmouth)
Jul     A Critique of Gödel’s Ontological Proof of God
          Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor of The Impossibility of God
Jun    A Dialogue with Voltaire on the Existence of God
May   Disproofs of a God Who Created the Universe
Apr    The Role of Religion in the Genital Mutilation of Children
          Ron Goldman, PhD, Exec.Director of the Circumcision Resource Center
Mar   A Bayesian Argument for the Improbability of God
          Lev B. Levitin, Distinguished Prof. of Engineering Science (Boston U.)
Feb   A Critique of Stephen Unwin’s The Probability of God
          Larry Ford, Prof. of Physics (Tufts University, MA)
Jan   A Disproof of an Omnibenevolent and Perfectly Free God
          Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University)

Dec   The Doubt Disproof of an Omniscient God
Nov   Richard R. La Croix’s Logical Argument from Evil
          Ricki Monnier, PhD, co-editor of The Impossibility of God
Oct    J. L. Mackie’s Logical Argument from Evil
Sep   The Religious Views of Einstein and Sakharov
Aug    An Anthropic Theory of Religion
          Tim Melbinger, PhD, Lecturer in Music Theory (U. of Mass., Dartmouth)
Jul     Knowledge, Omniscience, and Essential Indexicals
          Patrick Grim, Prof. of Philosophy (Stony Brook University, NY)
Jun    Divine Omniscience and Temporally Indexed Propositions
May   The Time Disproof of an Omniscient and Immutable God
Apr    Disproofs of a God Cut in Half
Mar   A Disproof of a God Who Created the Laws of Nature
          Gilbert Fulmer, Prof. of Philosophy (Texas State University, San Marcos)
Feb   Darwin Day (Feb. 12) and Bruno’s Death (Feb. 17)
Jan    Is a World Without God Meaningless or Absurd?
          Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University)

Dec  The Incoherence of Omnibenevolence
Nov  The Anthropic Principle and Intelligent Design: A Critique
          Lev B. Levitin, Distinguished Prof. of Engineering Science (Boston U.)
Oct    The Incompatibility of Divine Omniscience and Human Freedom
Sep   An Inductive Disproof of a God Who Answers Prayers
Aug   The Implications of Quantum Cosmology for Atheism
          Quentin Smith, Prof. of Philosophy (Western Michigan University)
Jul    The Errancy Disproof of a Biblical God
          Tim Melbinger, PhD, Lecturer in Music Theory (U. of Mass., Dartmouth)
Jun   The Incompatible Abilities Disproof of an Omnipotent God
May   Atheistic Teleological Arguments
          Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University)
Apr    A Critique of Quantum Mechanical Divine Action
          Larry Ford, Prof. of Physics (Tufts University, MA)
Mar   The Objective Morality Disproof of a Biblical God
Feb   Darwin Day: A Celebration of Science and Humanity
Jan   The Fear and Lust Disproofs of God

Dec   A Sound Logical Argument from Evil
          Quentin Smith, Prof. of Philosophy (Western Michigan University)
Nov  The Moral Autonomy Disproof of a Worshipworthy God
Oct   An Evidential Argument from Evil for God’s Nonexistence
          Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University)
Sep   Why God Cannot Think
          Matt McCormick, Prof. of Philosophy (California State U., Sacramento)
Aug   Disproofs of God in Traditional Indian Philosophy
          John Clayton, Prof. of Religion (Boston University)
Jul    The Self-Knowledge Disproof of God
Jun   Omnipotence, Resurrection, and Indexical Personal Identity
May   Does Divine Hiddenness Justify Atheism?
          J. L. Schellenberg, Prof. of Philosophy (Mount Saint Vincent U., Halifax)
Apr   The Case Against Agnosticism
          Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University)
Mar   Quantum Cosmology and the Existence of God
          Larry Ford, Prof. of Physics (Tufts University, MA)
Feb   Pascal’s Wager: Weighing the Odds
          Lev B. Levitin, Distinguished Prof. of Engineering Science (Boston U.)
Jan    A Critique of the Anthropic Cosmological Proof of God

Dec   The Unfairness Disproof of God
Nov   A Critique of Patrick Glynn's God: The Evidence
          Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University)
Oct   The Quiet Awakening: Atheism on College Campuses
          Derek Araujo, Founding President of the Campus Freethought Alliance
Sep   The Paradox of Eden
Jul     A Critique of C. S. Lewis's Proofs of God
          Tim Melbinger, PhD, Teaching Fellow in Music Theory (Harvard U.)
Jun   The Carneadean Disproof of a Virtuous God
May   Ontological Disproofs of God
Apr    A Critique of Contemporary Ontological Proofs of God
          Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University)
Mar   A Critique of Traditional Ontological Proofs of God
Feb   D'Holbach and Disproof Atheism
Jan   The Being that Knew too Much

Dec  The Ethics of Belief
Nov  The Cantorian Disproof of an Omniscient God
Oct   Problems with Heaven
          Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University)
Sep   A Critique of the Kalam Cosmological Proof of God
          Larry Ford, Prof. of Physics (Tufts University, MA)
Jun   The Strengthened Stone Disproof of an Omnipotent God
May   More Einstein and Russell on God
Mar   Bertrand Russell on the Existence of God
Feb   Albert Einstein's Views on God
          Lev B. Levitin, Distinguished Prof. of Engineering Science (Boston U.)
Jan   The Indexical "I" Disproof of an Omniscient God

Nov   How Unsound Logic Generates Religious Belief
Oct    A Critique of William James's Justification for Belief in God
Aug   The Argument against God from Widespread Nonbelief
          Theodore M. Drange, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (West Virginia U.)
May   Is There Room for Agnosticism?
Apr    A Critique of William Lane Craig's Reasonable Faith
Feb   The Gap in Theistic Arguments
          Michael Martin, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy (Boston University